Music from Battletech

Started by Onai "Oni" Tekimata, 29.06.2018 09:16

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Onai "Oni" Tekimata

I found this:

and that:

I like the orchestral versions even more then the reworked ones. Remindes me of the epic Game of Thrones soundtrack. I get goosbums every time I listen to it.

Chu-sa Onai Tekimata, Web: 36th Dieron Regulars, Facebook: 36th Dieron Regulars DCMS
"wisdom is your best weapon"

Hatake "Storyteller" Matsumura

Hach, einfach schön! Habe den Soundtrack seit ner Stunde auf den Ohren. :-)

Hachirou "Phidias86" Girisha

Celli OP instrument. Need nerf! Can't handle! ^_^

Shin'ichi "K4t0o" Takeda

Classical instruments are cool. Nothing left to say.... ;)

Jonas "Warschnuffel" Maltex

Yes, ich miss the orchestra-music in recent SciFi, so thumbs up for the designers to go with this! (: